Leadings and perceptions

The work of Christ is not activated by us, but we walk consciously of our new way of being, which is the Kingdom. God has set us apart for His honorable use. The Holy Spirit bears witness within us that we are the sons in charge. Sons are led and they take heed to the things spoken of by the Lord. They understand God’s language — He who speaks things ahead of time.

They walk in the knowledge of God’s spoken words for each season. In the midst of contradictions, they stand as sons before the Father with a renewed understanding, rejoicing over the word received. Be the son that you are and focus on who you are now rather than on becoming.

You co-share in God’s position and possession. You have access to the Father; all that He is and all that He has was given to you through the Son. The teaching and impartation are only raising in you the awareness of your sonship.

There is a stirring up of the spoken words within you and you are walking in the reality of Christ. You respond to God’s ability and His supply received for each period. Christ is our salvation. There is now no separation. We are not trying to be begotten but we are the Sons of God.

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