
a consecrated priesthood in a unified community moving with one heart and mind.

"The continent of Africa and the nations will see the power of the empowerment that is taking you to another level in the glory and the anointing of Almighty God."
H.E.A. Dr. Christian Harfouche
Theologian & Founder of IMI
"One thing I know, is that wherever Shawn SMITH is, the Gospel will be found in its fullness."
Dr. warren litzman
Dr. Warren Litzman
Theologian - Christ Life Fellowship
"I'm truly amazed to see what you have done to build a network of Churches on the revelation of our inclusion in Christ."
Rev. John Crowder
Rev. John Crowder
Theologian - Sons of Thunder
"The Father has given you the Apostolic testicular fortitude to say what needs to be said."
Dr. C. Baxter Kruger
Theologian & Perichoresis Ministries
"Dr Shawn SMITH is always welcome to Berlin to preach the message of the love and peace of Christ."
Bishop Slavisa
Berlin, Germany
"God has send Dr Shawn SMITH to prepare His True Church for Christ's coming."
Archbishop Kitonga
Nairobi, Kenya
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